Accel Action Code Description
0 Approved
1 Approved with identification
2 Approved for partial amount
3 Approved (VIP)
100, 200 Do not honor
101, 201 Expired card
102, 202 Suspected fraud
103, 203 Card acceptor contact acquirer
104, 204 Restricted card
105, 205 Card acceptor call acquirer’s security department
106, 206 Allowable PIN tries exceeded
107 Refer to card issuer
108 Refer to card issuer’s special condition
109 Invalid merchant
110 Invalid amount
111 Invalid card number
112 PIN data required
113 Unacceptable fee
114, 214 No account of type requested
115 Requested function not supported (invalid transaction)
116, 216 Insufficient funds
117, 217 Incorrect PIN
118 No card record
119 Transaction not permitted to cardholder
120 Transaction not permitted to terminal
121 Exceeds withdrawal amount limit
122 Security violation
123 Exceeds withdrawal limit frequency
124 Violation of law
126 Invalid PIN block
127 PIN length error
128 PIN key synchronization error (sanity error)
129 Suspected counterfeit card
130 Transaction failed OFAC check
131 Check not acceptable
180 Limit exceeded due to cashback amount
181 Enter lesser amount
182 Institution not supported by switch
183 Balances not available for inquiry
184 Resubmission in violation of network rules
185 Stop payment on check (shared branch only)
207 Special conditions
208 Lost card
209 Stolen card
210 Suspected counterfeit card
907 Card issuer or switch inoperative
908 Transaction destination cannot be found for routing
909 System malfunction
999 Used by TabaPay for Testing