Retrieve via referenceID by using the query string: ?referenceID=<referenceID>, where <referenceID> is the referenceID you passed in your Create Transaction request or Create Account request.

You can retrieve via referenceID in certain scenarios:

  • You call Create Transaction and you fail to get a transactionID back (either an HTTP connection issue, etc)
  • You call Create Account and you fail to get an accountID back (either an HTTP connection issue, etc)


Retrieval Limit

You can retrieve via referenceID for only 24 hours after the original HTTP request to the API. After that, you will get a 421 HTTP Status Code

Example for Retrieve via ReferenceID in CreateTransaction:

https://FQDN/v1/clients/<ClientID>/transactions?referenceID=myRefID123, where:

  • FQDN, <ClientID> is replaced with your assigned values found in your credentials file.
  • myRefID123 is replaced with the referenceID you sent in with your request

See Create Transaction for the expected response

Example for Retrieve via ReferenceID in CreateAccount:

https://FQDN/v1/clients/<ClientID>/accounts?referenceID=myRefID123, where:

  • FQDN, <ClientID> is replaced with your assigned values found in your credentials file.
  • myRefID123 is replaced with the referenceID you sent in with your request

Expected Response (You will get back the accountID)

  "SC": 200,
  "EC": "0",
  "accountID": "Bancorp_AccountID_22ch",
      "first": "John",
      "last": "Customer"
      "line1": "465 Fairchild Drive",
      "line2": "Suite #222",
      "city": "Mountain View",
      "state": "CA",
      "zipcode": "94043"
      "number": "4159808222"