Retrieves the Transaction by ReferenceID. This should only be used in the case of a HTTP communication error and you did not get back the TransactionID in the response. Using this for any other purposes is Anti-Pattern and is subject to failing and/or locking of your Client for all requests. You should use Retrieve Transaction with the TransactionID to retrieve Transaction Information.
This request is only valid if the Transaction was created within 24 hours ago, otherwise SC=421 will be returned, use Retrieve by TransactionID.

If you are an ISO (Independent Sales Organization), you will need to specify a SubClientID (see notes below).


(See Notes below and Anti-Pattern FAQ)


No Request Data


Status Codes:

Status Code Description
200 OK The Transaction is retrieved.
421 Misdirected Request Too late to Retrieve Transaction by ReferenceID, use TransactionID.

See Status Codes for other possible Status Codes that might be returned.

Response Data:

JSON Name Value Description Status Code
200 Other
SC Integer
3-digit code
HTTP Status Code O
EC String
1 or 8 characters
Internal Error Code O
EM String Error Message O
transactionID String
22 characters
network String Network O
networkRC String
2 or 3-character code
Network Response Code O
status String Status
originally String Original Status O
approvalCode String
6 characters
Approval Code O
errors Array of
8 characters
Array of Internal Error Codes O
currency String
3-digit code
ISO 4217 Currency Number O
amount String Amount in Currency
amountUSD String Amount in USD if Currency is not 840 (USD) O
last4 String Last 4 of Card Account Number (PAN)
Last 4 of Bank Account Number
memo String Memo O
fees object Fees O
interchange String
Interchange Fees
network String
Network Fees
tabapay String
TabaPay Fees
reversalStatus String Reversal Status O
reversal object Reversal O
networkRC String
2 or 3-character code
Network Response Code O
networkRC2 String
2 or 3-character code
Network Response Code O
error String
1 or 8 characters
Internal Error Code O

Sample Response:

Transaction retrieved using TransactionID:
  "SC": 200,
  "EC": "0",
  "referenceID": "1",
  "network": "Visa",
  "networkRC": "00",
  "status": "COMPLETED",
  "approvalCode": "000000",
  "amount": "0.10",
    "interchange": "0.50",
    "network": "0.50",
    "tabapay": "0.25"


For Clients who are an ISO (Independent Sales Organization), to specify your ClientID and a SubClientID, use the underscore character ("_") to separate the two values: <ClientID>_<SubClientID> where:

  • ClientID is your unique 22-character string and
  • SubClientID is an assigned 4, 6 or 8-digit value.

The Fees are only an estimation. The actual Fees will be shown on your daily settlement reports.

See Anti-Pattern FAQ for proper usage of Retrieve by ReferenceID.

You should use Retrieve Transaction with the TransactionID to retrieve Transaction Information.